Kingdoms are vanishing in recent times, unrest in middle east as a result what will happen to Kerala. Many people will not show keen interest in talking about Kerala at this juncture. But the reality is far different. Is gulf country depending on Kerala? Or Kerala depending on Middle East? The answer is obvious Kerala depends on gulf. Now the competition is stiff, there are plenty of qualified personnel available from across the globe to work in Middle East. The sad part the Benz, BMW,AUDI, Jaguar and what not that runs in Kerala roads is fuelled by gulf money. The flats with all facilities including a facility for landing a helicopter (still can’t justify myself how in palazhi calicut people come home by helicopter.)
Back to basics. Few do's and do not's
- Maintain an emergency fund which will help you to meet at least 3 months expenses. If not maintaining start saving today for creating the fund
- Spend after you earn. It sounds silly but in the present world of plastic money irrespective of earnings we spend. Maintain savings of at least 30% of your income.
- One task that you need to do now itself is go and check all your investment documents you have made so far. Maintain a folder for your investments. Try to understand the products. Research proves that 90% of insurance and mutual funds investors are not aware of the product in which they invest.
- If time is a concern select a qualified financial planner who can help you out.
- Understand what you are investing for, keep end in mind or else it does not make sense. its like you in railway station without knowing where to go.. So any train is ok for u... u may end up reaching Mumbai or may be trivandrum.
- Keep your spouse informed about the investments you make.
- Do not buy things that you do not understand. There are smart sales people around who can sell anything by confusing you.
- Do not invest just by looking at name. Most of the children plan is not meant for children. Do not fall into Jargon trap and emotional selling.
Even though we started with gulf crisis nothing more on that is discussed here. The idea is to make readers understand the importance of financial planning. If you plan properly irrespective of the economic conditions crisis or recession you will be safe and secured.Your comments are valuable do share your views.
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